Resources by relevance

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Intended audience Project Managers, Researchers and Students, Policy makers and Funders, Librarians and Repository managers, Research Administration
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

A course for researchers, research support staff and project officers.
Learning objectives:

  1. Understand what is required of participants in the H2020 Open Research Data pilot
  2. Learn about the concepts of open data, metadata, licensing and repositories
  3. Identify key resources and services that can he...
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Intended audience Researchers and Students, Librarians and Repository managers, Project Managers
Level: Intermediate: able to

The purpose of this course is to inform the researchers on how to comply with the H2020 mandate by depositing their publications in open access. Based on a total of 3 hours, the objectives are:

  • Understand the context and the content of the H2020 mandate
  • Know how to comply with the H2020 OA Mandate
  • Learn...
By  Helene Brinken
Publication year: 2017  |  Open Science